Thursday, July 30, 2020

Apan Mudra (Mudra of Digestion)

Apana Mudra: For Digestion And Many Benefits Too

Mudras are to be done by using hands and fingers, this can be practiced anytime in anyplace. You can practice the mudras even by sitting, standing, walking, and traveling. For the best results practice it in sitting posture (padmasana, sukhasana and vajrasana).

Bring your thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together. The rest of the fingers are to be stretched out. This is to be practiced every day for 45 minutes, practicing for a longer period gives more benefits.


  • Helps for constipation and piles and establishes the regular excretion of solid waste.
  • Removes toxemia from the body, purifies the body. Controls of Diabetes.
  • It cures the problems which are related to eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth.
  • Helps in curing menstruation-related problems.
  • Reduce the burning sensation in the hands, heart, lungs, and urine.

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