Thursday, July 30, 2020

Prana mudra (life of energy)

Prana mudra for Vitamin Deficiency, Diabetes And Improves Immunity

Prana mudra means a life of energy. Given with fact that, In present days most of the people are suffering from diseases and complications related to the lifestyle change patterns, people majorly who work most of their time using computers don’t spend their time for physical exercises and they don’t even expose to sunlight which causes D vitamin deficiency and added with unhealthy diet patterns causes vitamin deficiencies, loss of immunity power and diabetes, and worse even children’s are suffering from diabetes.
Prana Mudra could potentially provide a solution to one with to burden out from lifestyle diseases and complications.

Steps To Perform Prana Mudra:
1) The prana mudra should be performed while sitting down in padmasana or while standing up straight in the Tada Asana.
2) Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathe (inhale hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale).
3) Bring your hands to your sides and then touch the tips of your ring finger and little finger to your thumb. The index finger and middle finger are pointed out straightly and practice it for 15 to 30 minutes.

Benefits That One Would Get From Prana Mudra:
1) Prana mudra helps to increase life span and make one to feel energized when they are fatigued or depressed and to overcome cowardness.
2) Beneficial for all types of diseases and gives special power to the eyes.
3) It helps one to take away any kind of vitamin deficiencies and control hunger and thirst during fasting.
4) It gives relief from any type of cramps in muscle and pain in legs and best cure diabetes.

1 comment:

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